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bending, so that they meet, but to meet they have to bend. This passage speaks of the attitude

that is needed to arrive at the unity the Lord has been longing for since his prayer to his


“that all may be one”. This passage of the TLIG messages does not pretend to speak

of unity on an ontological level, indicating that there should be no differences in which extent

the various Christian groups have retained the truth Christ conferred to his church. And it is

not true I claim that this calling to humility amongst Christian brothers should imply a pan-

Christian approach to unity and that unity should be advanced through a bargain of truth,

(like a trader, selling and buying) leading to a levelling and a relativism of truth. On the

contrary, I have often spoken on the importance of remaining faithful to the truth, and even

more than my speaking, the message is nothing but a calling to live by the truth of the Gospel

in the One Revelation of Christ, as expressed above. The writings contain many warnings

against the contrary attitude, to the point of portraying a “false ecumenism” as a Trojan

horse of introducing a lifeless image of Christ:

The figure daubed with assorted colours, this figure these traders are trying to make

you revere to and follow is not me

it is an invention of perverted human skill to

degrade the concept of My Holiness and My Divinity; it is a false ecumenism; it is a

defiance of all that is holy. I suffer because of the sins of these traders. (22.10.1990)

Many messages on unity keep together these two vital aspects of ecumenism: The spiritual

attitude implying humility and love towards other Christians together with the un-

compromised quest for the truth of Christ. One example is a passage where the Virgin Mary

speaks of the fabrics of unity:

The Kingdom of God is not just words on the lips, the Kingdom of God is love, peace,

unity and faith in the heart. It is the Lord’s Church united in One inside your heart. The

Keys to Unity are: Love and Humility. Jesus never urged you to divide yourselves

this division in His Church was no desire of His. (23.09.1991)

Further down in the same passage, Jesus speaks of the truth: “Always defend to death the

truth. Scathed you shall be from time to time, but I shall allow it just enough to keep your

soul pure and docile” (reiterated on 05.06.1992, 25.09.1997, 22.06.1998, etc.)

I have had a few meetings with Catholic clergy in the United States, Holland and Switzerland

in particular who are very liberal and very much against the Pope. I had to defend the Chair

of Peter and explain it to them as well as I could through powerful messages that came from

Christ, showing them how confused their minds were. In the end many of these priests came

to tell me how they appreciated these clarifications. I had one or two though who did not

agree telling me that I am more Catholic than the Catholics… Although there are many unity

passages that regard the unity between the Churches, there are also quite a number that

especially are written for a lot of Catholic clergy who are rebelling against the Pope to bring

them back to faithfulness to him. Here is one early example:

I the Lord do not want any divisions in My Church. You will, for My sake, unite and

under My Name love Me, follow Me and bear witness for Me. You will love one another

as I love you; you will unite and become one flock under one Shepherd.


I have, as you

all know, selected Peter

giving him the authority. I have, as you all know, given him

the keys of the kingdom of heaven. I have asked Peter to feed My lambs and sheep

looking after them.


This authority was given by Me. I have not desired you to alter My

wish. (19.03.1988)

Another message speaking of the future of unity puts it even clearer:


The Pope.


John 21:15-17.